
Title ‘Design of Adaptive Temporal-Causal Network Models for Handling Extreme Emotions’
Abstract In recent literature from Neuroscience the adaptive role of the effects of stress on decision making is highlighted. The problem addressed in lecture is how that can be modelled computationally. The adaptive effect of acute severe stress on decision making is addressed based on a Network-Oriented Modeling approach. The presented adaptive temporal-causal network models addresses the therapies, like music, humor, and drugs, which have been used to decrease the stress level of individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and also the suppression of the existing network connections in a first phase as a result of the acute stress, and then as a second phase relaxing the suppression after some time and give room to start new learning of the decision making in the context of the stress again.

Other presentations by Sahand Mohammadi Ziabari

26 November 2018 ‘Design of Adaptive Temporal-Causal Network Models for Handling Extreme Emotions’