
Title Could we reduce domain classification for datasets to ontology classification for datasets?
Abstract Research domain classification for datasets is a process of recognizing right research domain which one dataset belongs to. We are looking forwards to reduce the question "Which research domain this dataset belongs to?" to "Which ontology that can explain this dataset very well?", which means that we can know the right domain for dataset if we know suitable ontology for this dataset. We use ontology classification approach to find ontology which can explain dataset very well. Ontology classification for datasets is an approach to rank ontology candidates by calculation similarity between dataset and ontology. We consider similarity between keywords from datasets and keywords from ontology as similarity between dataset and ontology. We also provide a terminology called "ontology specific view", which is considered as keywords of ontology. We run experiments on Mendeley datasets which already have labeled research domain as platinum standard. The result shows that ontology classification approach don't perform well.