
Title DL Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog
Abstract During my next WAI talk I will first present a novel approach based on Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) for terminological reasoning in the Description Logic SHIQ. Under this new paradigm SHIQ terminologies are translated into the DL ALCIb and the resulting Tbox is then converted into an OBDD that represents a canonical model of the terminology. The approach exploits the fact that models for the DL ALCIb can be decomposed into smaller components, called dominoes, and that suitable domino sets can be used to reconstruct models of ALCIb terminologies. Based on this, satisfiability of ALCIb terminologies can be reduced to checking the existence of such suitable sets. In other words, a ALCIb terminology is satisfiable iff its canonical domino set is non-empty. After presenting this approach I will discuss the possibility of using Evolutionary Computing methods for "guessing" suitable domino sets. This is in contrast to the idea of constructing the canonical domino set starting from the exponentially large set of all possible dominoes, as it is the case with the OBDD-based paradigm.
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Other presentations by Gastón Tagni

07 May 2007
25 February 2008
17 November 2008 DL Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog
22 June 2009 The Role of Cognitive Heuristics in Semantic Web Reasoning
14 June 2010 Bringing Bounded Rationality to the Web of Data