
Title Symbrion
Abstract I'll present the Symbrion project, which started just under a year ago. Symbrion and its sister project Replicator main focus on investigating and developing novel principles of adaptation and evolution for symbiotic multi-robot organisms based on bio-inspired approaches and modern computing paradigms. Such robot organisms consist of super-large-scale swarms of robots, which can dock with each other and symbiotically share energy and computational resources within a single artificial-life-form. When it is advantageous to do so, these swarm robots can dynamically aggregate into one or many symbiotic organisms and collectively interact with the physical world via a variety of sensors and actuators. The bio-inspired evolutionary paradigms combined with robot embodiment and swarm-emergent phenomena, enable the organisms to autonomously manage their own hardware and software organization. In this way, artificial robotic organisms become self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting from both hardware and software perspectives. This leads not only to extremely adaptive, evolve-able and scalable robotic systems, but also enables robot organisms to reprogram themselves without human supervision and for new, previously unforeseen, functionality to emerge. In addition, different symbiotic organisms may co-evolve and cooperate with each other and with their environment.

Other presentations by Evert Haasdijk

10 March 2008
19 January 2009 Symbrion
22 March 2010
04 April 2011 Using HyperNEAT for modular robot locomotion
27 February 2012
17 December 2012 MONEE Talks
11 November 2013 FOCAS Living Textbook
07 September 2015 Combining Conflicting Environmental and Task Requirements in Evolutionary Robotics
11 April 2016 Increasing Reward in Biased Natural Selection Decreases Task Performance
23 January 2017