
Title How Stressed Am I ?
Abstract On the Use of Psychophysiology in the Prediction of the Human Functional State The Operator Functional State is a representation of aspects of the human state that are especially important when circumstances are demanding, such as stress, fatigue and effort management. Some of these aspects can be represented by changes in the human body. Measurements of these changes (psychophysiology) can be easily used to support people in demanding circumstances, as the signals are continuously available and measurements do not interfere with the task. In the presentation I will discuss some of the methods for measurement of psychophysiological data and I will discuss some of the results we found in experimenting with psychophysiological measurements and Operator Functional State. In addition, you might be able to find out how stressed I am when giving this presentation.
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Other presentations by Rianne van Lambalgen

21 January 2008
07 September 2009 How Stressed Am I ?
21 June 2010 An Agent Model for Analysis of Human Performance Quality
16 May 2011 Modeling Situation-Awareness in Human-Like agents using Mental Models