
Title BestPortal and BestMap: Lessons Learned in Lightweight Legal Information Serving
Abstract Abstract: In this talk I will discuss why information retrieval in the law is not very straightforward when compared to other domains. This is mainly because the information providers (legal professionals, government bodies) use a different language than the information users (citizens). Where citizens pose queries in terms of their own case, legal professionals are more interested in the qualification of cases. The Best project aims to bridge the gap by providing a mapping between common sense and legal vocabularies. This mapping is not trivial, and I discuss the approaches that have been tried (and failed), and the current state of the project. In terms of task, problem and solution: Task: Improve the legal position of citizens by enabling access to legal information Problem: Legal professionals and citizens use different vocabularies, current mapping technology is insufficient Solution: Using case frames to formulate many-to-many mappings between vocabularies

Other presentations by Rinke Hoekstra

30 March 2009 Representing Legal Knowledge on the Semantic Web
18 January 2010 BestPortal and BestMap: Lessons Learned in Lightweight Legal Information Serving
21 February 2011 COMMIT P23
05 September 2011 MetaLex Document Server
22 October 2012 A Slightly Different Web of Data
27 May 2013
11 November 2013
23 September 2013
31 March 2014
05 January 2015 Peer review, selection by quality or lottery?
02 November 2015 Throwaway Science
06 June 2016 An Ecosystem for Linked Humanities Data
23 January 2017