
Title Depredictor, Predictive models for effective treatment of depressed patients
Abstract In this WAI, I will talk about an FP7 proposal called Depredictor. In this project, the main goal is the development of individualized predictive models based on a rich set of patient specific data, thereby including environmental data. Such models will provide the biomedical researcher with insight into the relationships that are present between the prominent factors related to depression. Furthermore, the models will give the clinician a prediction of the onset and evolution (including relapse, re-occurrence and deterioration) of depression. More specifically, they will predict the occurrence of new depressive episodes and the expected development of factors related to the severity of depressive symptoms (activity patterns, course of mood, use of coping skills, social involvement). The combination of both the predictive capabilities as well as the interrelationships provides the clinician with an empirical basis for deciding upon the most suitable therapeutic intervention for the patient for reducing depressive symptoms. To come to such predictive models, this project will contribute the following: (1) a methodology to develop individualized predictive model for the field of depression, and (2) a detailed dataset containing information on an individual patient level. Furthermore, the usefulness of the predictive models for clinician will be validated in a pilot study whereby clinicians are provided with a software tool incorporating the models. The project team consists of a combination of experts from several disciplines within the ICT, psychology, and psychiatry domains.