
Title Generating Social Graphs for RDF Benchmarks
Abstract Benchmarking graph-oriented database workloads and graph-oriented database systems are increasingly becoming relevant in analytical Big Data tasks, such as social network analysis. In graph data, structure is not mainly found inside the nodes, but especially in the way nodes happen to be connected, i.e. structural correlations. Because such structural correlations determine join fan-outs experienced by graph analysis algorithms and graph query executors, they are an essential, yet typically neglected, ingredient of synthetic graph generators. To address this, we present S3G2: a Scalable Structure-correlated Social Graph Generator. This graph generator creates a synthetic social graph, containing non-uniform value distributions and structural correlations, and is intended as a testbed for scalable graph analysis algorithms and graph database systems. We generalize the problem to decompose correlated graph generation in multiple passes that each focus on one so-called correlation dimension; each of which can be mapped to a MapReduce task. We show that using S3G2 can generate social graphs that (i) share well-known graph connectivity characteristics typically found in real social graphs (ii) contain certain plausible structural correlations that influence the performance of graph analysis algorithms and queries, and (iii) can be quickly generated at huge sizes on common cluster hardware.
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Other presentations by Peter Boncz

24 January 2011 Database Systems Research at CWI, also at VU
01 October 2012 Generating Social Graphs for RDF Benchmarks
29 April 2013 Self-organizing Structured RDF in MonetDB
27 January 2014 Identifying the Emergent Schemas of the Semantic Web
03 November 2014
19 October 2015
30 May 2016