
Title Expert vs. non-expert annotations of fiction films: an experiment using a tagging game
Abstract Most film archives are making their content available online. This is the case of the European Film Gateway (EFG), an aggregator of films and film related documents from 16 European film archives and cinémathèques, which provides this content to Europeana. This presentation will show the details of an experiment design using Waisda?, which provides a game setting for both film experts and novices to tag few videos coming from this Gateway. The resulting tags will be analyzed, in order to understand their nature, and possibly suggest which ways could be more suitable for using social tagging for accessing or browsing fiction films in the audiovisual heritage domain. This work is being done together with the Web and Media Group, as part of my three month internship at VU. The presentation is done with the purpose of kindly asking you for feedback and general comments on the experiment design. Please bring your own laptop if you want to play the game!

Other presentations by Liliana Melgar

01 October 2012 Expert vs. non-expert annotations of fiction films: an experiment using a tagging game