
Title From Open Data to Actionable Knowledge
Abstract In this talk I will address four topics: 1: “How to save lives with linked open data”. Preliminary results from The Open Data Exchange Project (collaboration between Municipality of Amsterdam, UVA, VU, de Waag and 2CoolMonkeys). Combining data from various open and closed open data sources might light to more adequate crisis response. 2: “knowing a GPS coordinate is useless “: The challenges with open geo data and location-based services, including projections, multi-lines, polygons, zoom levels and geo-based reasoning. 3: "There are more conferences on Open (Governmental) Data than there are Useful open Data sets”. The Open (Big) Data promises and opportunities, including the ever growing list of Open (Governmental) Data objections. 4: “What gets measured gets managed”. The internet of Quantified things, including how self-trackers and city sensor grids can lead to other behaviour.