
Title Ambient Assisted Living for Self Management and Loneliness Intervention to Chronic Patients
Abstract This presentation evaluates several projects on the development of an ambient assisted living (AAL) system that aims to support chronic patients in daily self management and loneliness intervention. The system involves a 3D virtual coach that provides care to patients on the basis of sensor information and user's system interaction. The 3D virtual coach is the user's personal coach in loneliness prevention. The 3D virtual coach intervenes through a blended version of a validated loneliness course connecting patients to new potential friends. The 3D virtual coach also helps the patient to create realistic expectations of friendship during the illness and to deal with being alone while being ill. Formal and informal care givers are connected to the system so as to monitor the patients on distance. The method of system development, i.e. the use of living labs is evaluated. Pilot results of the system effectiveness are presented. Loneliness was considerably decreased after the pilot. Implications for future AAL system improvements are discussed.