Title : Ethical aspects of pervasive computing / lifestyle informatics / ubiquitious computing

Presenter Michel Klein
Abstract I will give a talk based on a lecture that I gave about this topic in the pervasive computing course. I would like to have your feedback and opinion this topic.

Title : Transparency in interactive vocabulary alignment

Presenter Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Abstract This is a work in progress talk on the amalgame alignment toolkit we're developing within the context of the EuropeanaConnect FP7 project. Goal of the talk will be to get feedback and discussion over questions such as: - Why do we (or do we not) need yet another alignment toolkit? - When is automatic alignment a good idea, and when not? - How to evaluate big (>100k) alignments, or: can we do better than checking small random samples? - If domain experts would make better alignments than automatic tools, what would a tool look like to support them making their own alignments? I will discuss the questions above (and demo!) how our ideas on what the answers might be are reflected in the current design of the amalgame toolkit. See also http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/amalgame/