Title : Open PHACTS: Taking on pharmaceutical data with the kitchen sink

Presenter Paul Groth
Abstract Open PHACTS is a recently begun European Project with 22 partners - 8 of which are major pharmaceutical companies. The VU is a one the main technical partners. In this talk, I'll give an overview of the project and outline the series of difficult issues in terms of semantic data integration, provenance, data citation and large scale distributed data management that the project faces. I will try to call out the various pieces of technology we have the VU that need to go from good research to (roughly) working pieces as well as give an impression of the overall architectural approach. Finally, I will attempt to give a demo of our current progress. Bio: Paul Groth is in the KRR group and is still drinking coffee from the coffee machines on the 4h floor but really should switch to drinking nespresso. You can find more about him at http://www.few.vu.nl/~pgroth/ . You can also follow him on twitter under @pgroth.

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Presenter Guus Schreiber