Title : Ambient Assisted Living

Presenter Peter Roelofsma
Abstract In this talk we present the Ambient Assisted Living VU (AAL-VU ) research group of the artificial intelligence department at VU university. The AAL-VU is an interdisciplinary research group focusing on innovation and development of smart and healthy living environments. It involves the creation and renewal of housing and city neighborhoods with the aim to provide ambient support to increase the community’s overall well-being. To achieve this purpose the AAL-VU research group focuses on the development, verification and validation of ambient support systems for self-management, social connectedness, personal growth, work and learning, as well as mobility and community services. The AAL systems are sensitive for the demographic diversity of the environment’s population (i.e. variety in culture, age, sex, educational background, etc). In the program, innovative AAL concepts are developed and validated through an innovation wheel which starts and ends with the end-user needs and experiences. This user-driven approach includes collaboration with end-user organizations, like housing cooperations and care organizations, medium and large business enterprises, city councils as well with basic and applied research institutions. The verification and validation is done through a network of so called Living Labs from where user needs and experiences are continuously monitored and tested before the AAL system-products are eventually put in the market.