Title : Linking the Kingdom: Enriched Access To A Historiographical Text

Presenter Victor de Boer
Abstract Digital history is a branch of digital humanities concerned using ICT to improve study of history. Linked Data provides a way of e ffective enriched digital access to scienti c texts about history (historiographies). I will present a method for connecting a historiographical text to the Linked Data cloud. I will present the method and tools We focus on one extensive case study: the enriched access of an important work of Dutch World War II historiography \Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog". We describe the digitization and present two sources of structured knowledge that link to individual text sources, retrievable on the Web of Data. The rst is the manually constructed and highly curated "Back of the Book Index". The second is a list of extracted Named Entities. We present a number of use cases relevant for both historical researchers as well as for the general public.

Title : Report on course Model-based Intelligent Environments

Presenter Michel Klein
Abstract In January this year, I have given the master course Model-based Intelligent Environments. It used to be a course specifically for the AI master program "Human Ambience", focussing on the use of dynamic models, but since this year it is an obligatory course for all AI master students and an optional course for CS master students. We have tried to take advantage of the broad background of students by challenging them to work in groups of different types students on the modelling, design and implementation of an intelligent environment. In this talk, I will show you some of the resulting projects.