Title : My unfunded projects

Presenter Victor de Boer
Abstract During the WAI, I and others mostly talk about current, future or past research projects. But what about those projects that never came to be? On monday I will talk about three research projects that I co-wrote but never got funded. I will discuss 1. ICONS: an fp 7 proposal that involves icon based interfaces for low literate people in developing countries; 2. A project co written with a VU Master Student and 3. a proposal around analysing the language of dance, which didnt get funded twice!

Title : Discussing the Singla and Mooney AAAI 2011 paper "Abductive Markov Logic for Plan Recognition"

Presenter Sara Magliacane
Abstract Instead of presenting one of my papers, I would like to take some time to present and possibly discuss a AAAI 2011 paper from Singla and Mooney [1] that describes how to perform abductive reasoning using a probabilistic logic called Markov Logic. This paper represents one of the foundations of my research plan, so I'm very interested in your opinion. From a broader perspective, I think it could be interesting for the WAI audience to have more talks about "one of the hottest topics in AI", i.e. the combination of logical and statistical reasoning, so this is my attempt. [1] http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~parags/papers/prml-aaai11.pdf