Title : How to explain AI to a bunch of 10 year-olds

Presenter Stefan Schlobach
Abstract I have discussed at a previous WAI my ambition to write an AI book for young people. This will not be the topic of this WAI. But an idea that is related is to make use of our great research labs to get some of those young people over to the VU for half a day, and get them to understand what on earth Artificial Intelligence is, and what Computer Scientists do in their daily lives. Or, to be less ambitious, make them enthusiastic about both topics so that they will come and study LI, IMM or CS with us later... To that end I would like to discuss ideas for experiments, demos, challenges, topics, calculations, infrastructure, anything that might boggle the mind of a 10 year old. This is not easy: remember that this is the tablet-generation. These kids grow up with computer games, adaptive learning environments and the Internet. Please bring ideas!

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Presenter Wouter Beek