Title : Birds on Prints

Presenter Chris Dijkshoorn
Abstract I will present my work on converting collection data of the Naturalis biodiversity center to RDF. The resulting data is used to enrich and link cultural heritage collections. I will show some preliminary results of how searching in (more general) cultural heritage collections can benefit from domain specific datasets.

Title : Modelling the EU plenary debates. And now what?

Presenter Astrid van Aggelen
Abstract My aim is to have an interactive talk about the present state and future activities of the project Talk of Europe, which, as you might remember from Laura's talk in February, curates the plenary debates of the European Parliament as RDF and promotes the use of the resulting data. First I will outline the current state, focusing on the types of information that are being collected and the planned promotional activities. Then, I would like to inquire about ongoing projects and initiatives to connect to and collect ideas for future research and applications.