Title : LSD Dimensions: Use and Reuse of Linked Statistical Data as RDF Data Cube

Presenter Albert Meroño Peñuela
Abstract Governments, public agencies and institutions, and companies produce a great amount of statistical data every year. Much of these data are released as Open Data and published on the Web, although usually as documents, not as Linked Data. In this talk I'll introduce RDF Data Cube (QB), a W3C standard for publishing multidimensional data, such as statistics, on the Web in such a way that they can be linked to other datasets and concepts. However, QB is pretty open towards how users should model dimensions and codes (variables and values in QB jargon), which hampers reusability of existing ones. To this end, I'll show you LSD Dimensions, a web based application that monitors the usage of dimensions and codes over five hundred public SPARQL endpoints.

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Presenter Dilhan Thilakarathne