Title : Peer review, selection by quality or lottery?

Presenter Rinke Hoekstra
Abstract This fall, I had the honor of being the program chair for the annual conference on AI & Law, JURIX. This was an interesting experience, as it confronted me with having to accept or reject papers, based on often widely diverging reviews. It turns out JURIX is not special... almost simultaneously, the KDD organization presented statistics on their review procedure [1], and the NIPS conference actually ran two parallel review procedures (see Frank's recent email to the SemWeb list, thanks Frank!) This afternoon, I will briefly present some statistics from JURIX and highlight the conclusions from KDD and NIPS. Hopefully this will be some food for discussion... (and perhaps Stefan can say something about his experiences with EKAW?)

Title : Interpreting Scientific Spreadsheets

Presenter Martine de Vos
Abstract In this study we developed a methodology for automatically deriving semantics from scientific spreadsheet data. During the design process of their spreadsheets, domain scientists implicitly include their domain model in the content and structure of the spreadsheet tables. The overall objective of this research is to make this underlying domain model of scientific spreadsheet data explicit. Our methodology iteratively combines heuristics on spreadsheet design with knowledge from external vocabularies. We explain and illustrate our method by actually applying it on spreadsheets from an existing research project from the domain of environmental science.