Title : Tedium Contagion in WAI's Audience

Presenter Eric Araújo
Abstract My presentation aims to make the WAI meeting a lab for a social experiment. I kindly ask you to bring some device with internet connection (mobile phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) so you can interact and answer some few questions. The idea is to see how emotions are spread among the audience during a WAI presentation. I will also measure some traits and some important feelings during the presentation, and try to come up with the results in the end of the meeting, showing basically what is my work about. So, see you then!

Title : Progress in the robotlab

Presenter Jacqueline Heinerman
Abstract Update on what is going on in the robotlab. We started out with experiments in simulation where a group of 6 robots evolved neural networks with evolutionary algorithms to avoid obstacles. The next step was executing these experiments in hardware, where we did not experience the reality gap. At the moment we went even a step further in hardware by evolving foraging behaviours where the robots have to push objects to a target location.