Title : The Green Lab

Presenter Eoin Grua
Abstract I will be presenting the Green Lab. The Green Lab is a server rack set up by the Software and Services group that allows users to create Virtual Machines as well as using a Smart Phone Farm. During the presentation I will explain in detail the setup as well as the past experiments that have been performed with the use of The Green Lab. During the question section I will encourage the audience to have a discussion of possible improvements as well as potential collaborations.

Title : Group reasoning in social environments

Presenter Erman Acar
Abstract I will give a talk about my recent (joint) work in the field of multi-agent systems. In particular, I will present a framework which formalizes opinion diffusion and coalition formation over a static network of agents. It is assumed that agents have anonymous preferences i.e., their preference on the available alternatives can be influenced by the number of neighbors agreeing/disagreeing with them, and their reasoning capabilities are modeled in terms of weighted propositional logics. The study focuses on the computational complexity of finding Nash-stable outcomes, and the convergence of best-response dynamics. Especially, the tractable cases are outlined.