Title : We resolve cyclic rdfs:subClassOf relations in the LOD-a-lot knowledge graph by encoding cycles found in a MAXSAT solver.

Presenter Shuai Wang
Abstract Large knowledge graphs capture information of a large number of entities and their relations. Among the many relations they capture, class subsumption assertions are usually present and expressed using the rdfs:subClassOf construct. From our examination, publicly available knowledge graphs contain many potentially erroneous cyclic subclass relations, a problem that can be exacerbated when different knowledge graphs are integrated as Linked Open Data. This paper presents an automatic approach for resolving such cycles at scale using automated reasoning by encoding the problem of cycle-resolving to a MAXSAT solver. The approach is tested on the LOD-a-lot dataset, and compared against a semi-automatic version of our algorithm. We show how the number of removed triples is a trade-off against the efficiency of the algorithm. The code and the resulting cycle-free class hierarchy of the LOD-a-lot are published at www.submassive.cc.

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Presenter Zoom Link to the presentations
Abstract Shuai Wang is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Shuai Wang's Zoom Meeting for WAI Time: May 25, 2020 04:00 PM Amsterdam Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99399711099?pwd=a2VKc0QzS1RQTFU4VndXSmNJTmlzUT09 Meeting ID: 993 9971 1099 Password: 4D0mQf